A simulation of dynamic relationships, conflicts and trade-offs.

An innovative corporate team building exercise, EdgeWork increases the capacity of individuals and teams to perform in cross-organizational and cross-functional contexts. As its name suggests, EdgeWork explores how those on the edges of organizations can better build working relationships with their counterparts in other organizations, given their respective goals, conflicts, and interdependencies.
EdgeWork offers substantial opportunities for participants to learn as they complete assignments, overcome hardships, and work with others over the course of several distinct phases:
- Introduction: Set-up, and Reading of Materials
- Session One: Divisional Meetings
- Session Two: Cross-Company Special Issue Meetings
- Session Three: Company-Wide Meetings
- Session Four: Presentation of Company Reports
- Debrief
- Challenges groups to think about working together in new ways to produce results
- Provides a setting for teams to discuss their organizational challenges
- Confronts participants with a rapidly changing environment that demands fluid boundaries and boundary-spanning discussions
- Challenges participants to evaluate a diversity of perspectives and values

Certification or qualification is required prior to purchasing this assessment. Learn more about the certification or qualification process here.
Included in your certification is a facilitator guide, an online module and other facilitator resources you will need to run the simulation.