Measures an individual’s preferred style as they influence others.

The Influence Style Indicator is an assessment instrument designed to understand an individual's preferred style as they influence others. The assessment addresses one’s preferred, secondary, and underutilized influencing styles.
- Learn more about the two primary orientations:
- Advocating: Individuals put forward ideas and offer logical and rational reasons to convince others of their point of view.
- Uniting: Individuals advocate for their position by encouraging others with a sense of shared mission and exciting possibilities
- Learn about five unique influencing styles: Rationalizing, Asserting, Negotiating, Inspiring and Bridging
- Understand when each influencing style is best used and what the potential pitfalls maybe
- Improve the ability to connect with others using a variety of influencing styles
- Be able to identify others’ preferred style
With the Influence Style Indicator, leaders will:
- Examine what their chosen influence style looks like to others
- Determine best opportunities to flex their style to address a variety of situations
- Improve their ability to connect with others using a variety of influencing styles
- Investigate how timing and discretion are important considerations in influencing
- Reach an understanding of how influencing styles can impact organizational decision making
- Be able to identify others’ preferred styles

Certification or qualification is required prior to purchasing this assessment. Learn more about the certification or qualification process here.
Included in your certification is a facilitator guide, PowerPoint slides, and other resources that allow you to run a workshop or training program using the assessment.